How to Prepare for HSC Exams

The last pages of notes are being written, the final homework questions completed, and the practice papers are piling high. It’s exam season, everyone!

As the HSC trial exams are just around the corner, we know a lot of students out there are feeling stressed. Here’s a little check list to help you feel more ready and in control.

1. Look after yourself

Nothing is more important than your own wellbeing. Now that you’re approaching the end of year 12, remember that these are your last days of school - ever! Make sure that it’s going to be a time you remember as fondly as possible. Maintaining a good social life, exercise routine and sleep schedule are just as important for our study goals as hours we spend at the books. Reflect on what your goals are and what study means for you. Try to tap into your own internal motivation and not pay too much attention to pressure coming from others.

2. Consult the Syllabus

Your school is following the NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) guidelines for the content you will be tested on during your Trial exams. You teacher may have provided you a list of the topics covered in the exam, but if they haven’t or it’s “all of them” consult the NESA website and use their list. Make sure that you understand what each dot-point means (consulting your tutor may be helpful for this) and try to recall any questions you’ve done recently on that topic. If you’re unsure about your ability to complete those questions, or you can’t think of any, ask your tutor to provide some examples or consult the relevant section of your text book.

3. Fill in Gaps

If you identified any topics that you’ve forgotten how to do - or perhaps you never knew, we’re not judging! - it’s time to go back to basics. Start small and build up to more challenging questions. Remember to always ALWAYS check your answers and consult exemplars.

4. Practice (Papers) Make Progress

Practice papers are your best tool for really feeling exam ready. Start off with some older exams and work through them at a comfortable pace. Use your notes and get help when needed. Once you feel like you can complete the exam to your goal standard, try one under timed conditions. We like to save the most recent or most relevant paper we have for this last step.

Once you’ve made it to the day of the exam be proud of all the work you’ve done to make it here, not just in the last few weeks, but the last 12 years of your school career. No matter how the exam goes know that you’ve completed a truly remarkable accomplishment.


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