Our Best Advice for Year 11 English Students (That’s all of you!)
The English HSC syllabus comprises mainly of 4 modules: A, B, C and common. Chances are that you’re about to finish your first one, well done!
Our advice to you is simple: take the knowledge you’ve worked so hard to gain and write good notes.
Think back to the text you studied at the start of year 9… can you even remember what it was? You’re going to be tested on this module again at Trials and again in the HSC. Save yourself a lot of hard work later and write comprehensive notes right now.
Your notes should include these elements:
A page of notes about the author and the historical context of the text
A short synopsis of the text, preferably in your own words, highlighting the significant moments in the text with approximate page numbers
A list of main characters and settings and their significance
A table of every quote you’ve analysed including the technique(s) you’ve identified and it’s effect
A list of all the essay questions you’ve been given for this text
Copies of any essays or paragraphs you’ve written, and the feedback you got on them
Once you have all of this you can comfortably forget this module and focus fully on the next one knowing that you can come back to these notes when you need them.
Good luck with your next module!
Feeling worried about your next module? You’re not alone!
With its lengthy texts and obscure language, English can be daunting. Future Tutor can help you make sense of the mess, find the literary devices in your quotes, and give you feedback on your essays before they’re graded. Talk to a tutor today!