Term 2 Guide

Prepare yourself for the term with our helpful guide. We’ll get to our study advice shortly, but first, the important dates.

Important Dates

For All Students

  • King’s Birthday long weekend: 10-12 June

  • Term Ends: 30 June

For Primary School Students

  • Selective high school placement test: 4 May

For HSC Students

  • Many of your Major Works will be due this term

  • HSC trials usually occur early term 3, but some schools hold them this term

Study Advice

Now that the excitement and chaos of term 1 has subsided, term 2 is your opportunity to focus. Students should use the assessments from last term as learning opportunities to bring their work to the next level in term 2. Teacher feedback should be taken on board and incorporated into future assignments. Your experience with your teachers should also mean that your study strategy is coming together. If your teacher moves very quickly in class you may need to prioritise independent work on a regular basis so that you can check that you’ve understood all of the content. If you got to the end of last term with no notes to use as revision, focus on writing good summaries in class so that your exams this term can be a breeze.

Year 12 HSC students have an additional challenge at the end of this term: HSC Trials. Students should focus on their regular assessments and try to maximise their grades on their last few tasks. Then, once the assessments are completed, students should turn their mind towards HSC trials. Most students find that the best way to study for trials is by attempting past exam papers. You may find it particularly effective to seek help from your tutor for any questions you cannot complete. Your tutor can also give you extra work on topics you find difficult or have forgotten.

We will have more information on how to study effectively for HSC Trials and share some resources to help you as the exams approach.


How to Make the Most of Your Tutoring


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