The Dos and Don’ts of Tutoring For Students
Tutoring is an incredible tool to boost your confidence and take you to new heights if you use it correctly. We’ve got some simple tips on how to make tutoring work for you.
Do: Make Mistakes
We know making mistakes in front of other people can be scary, but tutoring is your time to experiment and test your limits. When you tutor asks “Do you have any ideas about how to start this question?” don’t be afraid to give your wild ideas a try. You might be on to something, and there’s nothing more inspiring than surprising yourself.
Don’t: Neglect Your Classwork
It can be tempting to think “I don’t need to get this now, I can just ask my tutor about it later.” We get it! But not paying attention at school can’t be replaced by lessons with your tutor. Your classroom teacher is still your number one source for both the content of your subject and the information on how to nail your assessments.
Do: Use Every Resource Available
Many schools offer lunchtime or after school support for students. Math teachers might hang out in the library to help with homework, or there might be a writing club. Don’t let having a personal tutor stop you from utilizing these other resources as well. Future Tutor focuses on a team approach to your learning, and the more people that are on your team the better.
Don’t: Stop Being Enterprising
Many students who don’t have access to tutors watch video tutorials, read informative websites, and ask their friends for help. Don’t stop doing these things when you get a tutor. Not only are these great resources, but the skills of asking for help and being able to teach yourself are crucial to our ability to learn throughout our lives. Your tutor can help you when you can’t find the answers, but challenge yourself and try to find your own solution first.
The biggest lesson here is that tutoring is a tool to be used in addition to our other resources, not instead of them. If you’re struggling with maintaining consistent study efforts outside of your tutoring sessions, talk to your tutor about helping you approach those tasks with greater diligence.