


Expert tutoring tailored to your needs.

Books and pages laid over a table including Much Ado About Nothing and a handwritten essay

“Breanna tutored me for year 12 Maths advanced, Maths extension 1 and English advanced… Breanna's enthusiasm rubbed off and made me engage more deeply in my work. She's encouraging, smart and I would highly recommend her as a tutor.”

 - Lily Mark 2020

We provide private lessons both in-person and online. Our tutors specialize in tailoring each lesson to their student’s individual needs and adapting to their speed and learning style. Our tutors are experts and high-achievers, but they also mentors and role-models who encourage healthy study strategies.

We believe that using evidence-based educational methods alongside personal mentorship connections promotes an unbeatable combination of academic progress and confidence development.

Future Tutor is an academic tutoring service for primary, secondary and tertiary education students.

Why Future Tutor?

Freelancers can’t provide the best service.

What happens when the tutor gets sick right before your child’s exam and they can’t give them that crucial last minute help?

Why have the tutor spend time doing administration and advertising when they could be focused on teaching?

Other companies are too impersonal.

What good is a pre-written curriculum when it doesn’t address your child’s needs?

If your child’s tutor changes weekly or teaches a large group, how is your child supposed to connect with them and gain confidence?

What Future Tutor can offer you

  • Qualified Tutors

    99+ ATARs

    Years of experience

    Regular training and upskilling

  • In-Person and Online

    Home visits

    Online lessons

    Library visits

  • Ethical Values

    Full scholarship

    Aussie small business

    Tutors paid fairly

  • Safety

    Working with Children Checks

    Child safety training


  • Personalised Teaching

    Tailor made lessons

    Homework help

    Connection and mentoring

  • Tutor Role Models

    Balanced lifestyles

    High achievers

    Passionate learners

How It Works:

  • Once you enroll with Future Tutor we’ve got your child’s back no matter what. You and your child gain access to our network of tutors, homework help and resources.

    Future Tutor handles all payments and promotes the safety of your child.

  • We match you to a tutor that suits your child’s needs. Your tutor can come to your home, meet your child at school or a public library, or tutor online.

    Your tutor is an expert in the subjects they teach. They received exceptionally good marks in the HSC and have usually continued to study these subjects at university.

  • Your expert tutor helps you however you need it. Get the lessons you want by choosing the length, time, topics and any other accommodations you may need. We have experience with supporting all kinds of students, people with everything from ADHD to cataracts.

    You’ll have access our network so you can receive help between sessions and get a substitute if your tutor is sick or away.

Open books on grass. One page has a column about chromatography, one page has a handwritten circuit diagram and various calculations.

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