
“She helped me get a better handle on the fundamentals of essays and how to write a strong thesis statement”

Lily Mark 2020

English really is the one subject you can’t do without. To persuade, explain and inspire are critical skills for successful people. Good communication in work environments and personal relationships allows for us to unlock new possibilities.

Essays, short stories, articles and speeches, we can help you say your message in style. A tutor can help you work through the argument of an essay and make sure that your evidence and explanation respond to the question. We can demystify creative writing by putting literary techniques in certain terms and pointing out what exactly can be improved. Moreover, our students make great use of their English lessons, not only by focusing on English class work, but also working on essays for other subjects, leadership speeches and more.

Language invites us to explore the depths of human emotion and experiences through every sentence and poem. English unveils the boundless possibilities of communication, forges connection and inspires understanding across cultures and generations.