Visual Arts

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way — things I had no words for.”

Georgia O'Keeffe

Many students choose to study Visual Arts because they are artists themselves. Others have been inspired by artists from all over the world. Whether it’s to express your own experiene or learn from others, studying art can be a very rewarding experience.

At school, studying art encompasses practice with a range of art materials, learning various techniques, analysing art, and constructing art criticism. Each of these tasks require different skills which can be hard to master in the classroom.

Through working with a tutor students can practice all parts of the study of art. Gain insight about existing art and art movement, improve your essays, and be confident that your own art will fulfil your assessment criteria.

Art provides a way for ideas and emotions to be communicated outside of the bounds of language. To study it is to gain access to our shared humanity.